Weed notes - Jan. 16


By Sid Lewis


I am not sure whether it is a compliment or not, but the last few months the executive of the Manitoba Weed Supervisors Association (MWSA) have been contacting me, asking for my memory of certain events that happened years ago.

All that has transpired since the first of this month/year (amalgamation) is having a dramatic effect on all operations of our districts; MWSA is trying to piece together what will work for what Conservation and Water Stewardship demands of us. Amalgamation has forced big changes in some areas, especially this district, so this is where MWSA is asking me to remember how we managed new areas years ago and if those efforts can be introduced somewhat the same now and have satisfactory results. 

If not the end of this month, definitely soon there will be ads in some newspapers for filling this position of supervisor as well as summer workers. Any people interested in trying this career, be sure to watch for the ads.

I received a copy of the new municipalities maps last week and if my math is correct, Midwest Weed District now has 36 townships, one of the largest in Manitoba. When the RM of Daly joined our district in 2004, it took me and our summer worker two years just to learn the area of that RM and all the weed/brush areas to try and work out a management program. With two new towns and the area that was RM of Saskatchewan encompassed  this year, I can see a challenging and exciting year ahead. 

I will be the first to say culinary art has never been one of my strong points. Last week I had a want for medium hot wings, so before going home, I went to the store and bought a box of precooked/frozen wings to have some for dinner. After a previously botched attempt and big time sticking of the wings to Terry’s pan, strong orders were given to put parchment paper on the pan first, then the wings! Looking around this time, I couldn’t find the parchment paper, but saw some waxed paper. Thinking it would do the same job, I put the pan, waxed paper and six wings in the stove and turned the TV  on to watch a hunting DVD. In only a few moments I smelled hot wax! Rushing to the stove I discovered a smokey look inside so I quickly turned the stove off, grabbed the stove mitts and pulled the pan out. Although the wings did have a waxy taste, they were passable, but my big concern was whether or not Terry would notice the smell when she came home. Nothing was mentioned for three days and then I let the cat out of the bag. I guess all she smelled was the strong aroma of the sauce that coated the wings.

If you have any questions for Midwest Weed District please phone 204-764-2128.