Observation: Many farmers are fighting against time


By: Addy Oberlin

Many farmers are fighting against time and weather to try to get the seed into the ground. Many fields are saturated and a challenge to work on by the farmers. Some fields will lay bare this season and will not produce a crop in the fall.

Global warming? That is hard to believe in this part of the country and even in other countries where they have seen weather disturbances they never experienced before.

Scientists have in theory tried to improve the weather on one side of the planet with the result that the other side was in for disastrous weather patterns. The theory did not work. Why not? Very simple. God created it all – the earth and everything in it and around it. Only He is in control and can bring about a change in weather.

God created the heaven and the earth as is told in Genesis. In Psalm 115:6 David is praising the Lord by telling us “Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and in earth ….” We can trust God and accept whatever He brings us, because He loves us and cares for us.