Faithfully yours - A most precious gift


By Neil Strohschein

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The past 18 months have given me an opportunity I never thought I would have. I’ve been able to step away from active involvement in organized religion (the church) and take what I hope is an honest look at its strengths and weaknesses. 

The past few years have not been kind to organized religion. People of all faiths have been tainted by the scandals that have hit major denominations and by the evidence of deliberate actions taken to hide the truth from those who were given the task of investigating allegations and bringing the guilty to justice. Those who committed these atrocities may have been few in number—but the consequences of their actions will be felt for many years to come.

So it should come as no surprise that increasing numbers of Canadians are either reducing their participation or choosing not to get involved with organized religion at all. They don’t want to be part of a movement that, based on the information they have, has a history of condoning and covering up criminal activity. Nor do they want to be pestered by those whom they see as recruiters or salespeople, trying to convince them that “their church is the only true church” and that everyone should join it.

Now, please don’t misinterpret what I’ve written above. People can (and many will) choose not to identify with a church, a denomination or a specific faith tradition. But that doesn’t mean that they choose to reject God. The exact opposite may be (and I believe often is) what happens.

As conditions in our world continue to deteriorate, people will look for something that can give them the peace of mind and sense of security that new governments, new jobs or increased incomes could never provide. And while they may reject the messages offered by organized religion, there is one message that they will never be able to reject; because it is the one message that can provide them with everything they are seeking—and more.

That message is that there is a God in heaven who loves us all; who accepts us just as we are; who will forgive our sins if we ask him to, who will fill us with his peace and who will enable us to face the uncertainties of life with courage, dignity and optimism.

The only ones who can share that message in a way that makes it attractive to others are those who have believed the message, who have been forgiven, whose lives radiate the peace God gives and who are facing their difficulties with courage, dignity and optimism.

They are the ones who will often hear people say: “How can you be so positive and so optimistic, given all the things you’re going through right now?” That question can only be answered in one way: “In my own strength, with my own abilities and power, I can’t do it. But with God as my helper all things are possible; and I can do all things by his grace and with his help.” If your way of life (something everyone around you can see) verifies your words, those worlds will convey a message that will catch people’s attention and create within them a desire to know more about God and his Son, Jesus Christ.

This positive message, backed up by a positive lifestyle is our gift to society. It is a most precious gift, because it has the power to change the lives of those who hear it, who see it working in us and who choose to believe it.