Observation - Jan. 27, 2017


By Addy Oberlin

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The news releases on television were all geared to the newly elected president of the United States. There were many interviews and the pros and cons were discussed in great length. This person has now been inaugurated and will rule the United States for the next while.

What if the Creator of the world would get so much publicity? What if theological scholars and Biblical experts would take up almost a whole newscast by being interviewed and questioned? We could see followers of Him being supportive, but others might start protests. In the book of Genesis we are told that God created the earth and everything in it. In Mathew 28:18 Jesus declares “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

If we believe that the Word of God, the Bible, is inspired by God, we know that He is Truth and can overrule any decision we or anyone else makes in life.

This is a very comforting thought.