Observation - July 27


By Addy Oberlain

Neepawa Banner & Press

It is time to sort, shred and recycle.

My daughter came over for a few days and brought armfuls of old music, not played for years and boxes with old bills up from the basement. Now it is my job to close this era in my life where I kept everything, ‘just in case I might need it some day’. I believe it is a left over from growing up during and after WWII. People who have gone through the thirties might understand what I am saying. Now I am preparing to move to a smaller place and have to say good-bye to some of my treasures. It is difficult but part of life.

The saying on my office door reminds me again that “The Lord will continually guide you” (Isaiah 58:11). I trust that He will guide me, just one step at a time and one day at a time. I just have to continue to put my trust in Him. He will bring it to pass.