Rivers curling teams to compete in provincials


By Linda Newton

Submitted Article

Golden Gals district playdowns were held in Shoal Lake Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. Six teams were entered, three of which are going to the provincial bonspiel in Steinbach in Feb. 4-7. Going undefeated was the Rivers rink skipped by Maxine Veitch, and with one loss each coming out on the B-side, Lynda Draper and Marlene Allan also qualified. Veitch’s Rivers rink of Donna Falkevitch, Donna Morken and Darlene Gourlay, won three games to come out undefeated on the A-side of the draw. 

Draper also played three games but lost her second game, coming out on the B-side with a win over Linda Wilson; Draper’s rink is a combination of Virden/Hamiota ladies. Allan’s rink, a McCreary, Onanole and Rossburn blend, had three games, losing her first game then winning two to come out to the B-side with wins over Barb Anderson and Linda Newton to qualify for February's spiel.