Jillian Dalby wins Young Women of Distinction award


By John Drinkwater

The Neepawa Banner

Jillian Dalby was nominated as a young woman of distinction for this year’s awards ceremony, held March 12 at Brandon’s Keystone Centre. Open to women aged 22-29, the Alexander-area lady fit the bill and was duly acknowledged for her work in the equine field.

Jillian is an accomplished farrier, having completed the farrier science course at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in 2005 and obtaining her American Farrier Association (AFA) certified farrier level. She is working, successfully and independently, in a trade that is predominantly pursued by men, with 90 per cent of AFA-registered farriers being male. Dalby is an example to young women and girls to push themselves to reach higher goals in education and more.