Little Valley Jamboree gives back to children



Pictured: Rod and Hailey, Jaimie and Ayva and Steven Hopfner

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In early August, the proceeds from this year’s Little Valley Jamboree were distributed to this year’s two recipient families. On Aug. 7, a check for $12,463.55 was presented to Bailey by Rod and Evelyn Lewandoski and Boniface and Gail Sawchuk, when they met with Kristen and Garrett Phillips and their three daughters Leah, Bailey and Jordan. 

On Saturday, Aug. 8, Rod and Evelyn met with Steven, Jaimie, Hailey and Avya Hopfner, in Ste. Rose, MB. Hailey received the same check as did Bailey. 

Included in the amount given to each family was half of the money raised by Shelah, Brianne, Riley and Easton at their yard sale in Minnedosa and  half of Erickson’s Hannah and Avya’s lemonade and cookie stand at their yard sale. The girls spoke of feeling good about helping someone in need and issued a challenge to anyone who would like to help our Jamboree children. 

The 50-50 winners were very generous and donated portions of their winnings back to the girls. 

Guitars, tote bags and money raised from the special tribute to recipients on Sunday were most appreciated. 

The Phillips and Hopfner families were overwhelmed and grateful with the generosity of all the people and wish to thank everyone involved with the Little Valley Jamboree. Both families spoke of how the money will go a long way to help with their special needs and have offered to help in any way at future Jamborees. 


Pictured:  Evelyn and Jordan, Rod, Garret and Leah, Kristen and Bailey, Boniface and Gail.