Before the snow flies… winterize!


By Erika Miller

Media Relations

With the first snowfall of the season soon expected, CAA Manitoba is reminding motorists to prepare their vehicles for snow and freezing temperatures.

“It’s unusual for Manitoba to have had such nice weather into November, but we know snow that stays is just around the corner,” says Liz Kulyk, corporate manager of communications for CAA Manitoba. “It’s time to take advantage of Mother Nature’s grace period and get our cars ready because winter is coming.”

The most important thing motorists can do to ensure their car starts even on the coldest days is to confirm their battery is in good shape. Once a battery hits the five-year-old mark, it is nearing the end of its life expectancy and may hold less of a charge. Drivers should also make certain the other components of their car are ready to go, including belts, hoses, fluids, windshield wipers and thermostat.

Here’s a quick winterizing checklist

Change to winter tires. Roads can get slippery even without snow. Winter tires start to improve stability and control around 7C. MPI’s low-interest loan program helps motorists purchase these important pieces of safety equipment.

• Check your oil and block heater. Consider getting a synthetic oil change to help keep your car running smoothly in sub-zero temperatures. Arrange to have your block heater tested and vehicle inspected now before the cold hits.

• Pack a roadside emergency kit. In addition to carrying a charged cell phone, be prepared with a bag of essential items: tools, weatherproof emergency flares, hand warmers, blanket and more. Emergency kits are available at any CAA branch.

And when the snow flies, remember to practise safe driving: slow down, give yourself room between the car in front of you, and use extra caution on bridges and overpasses, which can get icier thanks to the cold wind.”