Big Grass Community Foundation receives donation



Submitted photo. Receipt of the cheque from CPS employees.  From left: Raymond Fischer, Kristyn MacDonald, Robin Richardson (Chair of the Big Grass Foundation) and Ernie Wilson.


The Big Grass Community Foundation, which encompasses the communities of Plumas, Langruth, Westbourne, and Gladstone, has received a grant of $5,000 from CPS (Crop Production Services) through Agrium. These funds will be deposited into a new CPS/Agrium Fund within the Foundation so that all future earnings will be granted back into the Big Grass area communities.  

This is a very timely donation, as the Big Grass Foundation is participating in the Thomas Sill Foundation Challenge, which matches total donations up to $50,000 on a 50 per cent basis. This means that the CPS contribution will actually be matched with an additional $2,500 from the Thomas Sill Foundation located in Winnipeg. There is still some room for further donations to qualify for the matching funds before the challenge closes on October 9, 2016.

The Big Grass Foundation is very excited about the new CPS/Agrium Fund and is grateful to Crop Production Services for its support for the area communities.