Manitoba votes 2019 - Spruce Woods
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- Published on Thursday, September 5, 2019
The Neepawa Banner & Press has asked the area’s provincial candidates their thoughts on several significant topics impacting their constituency. In the Sept. 6 edition of the paper, we featured Dauphin and Spruce Woods constituencies. Due to space constraints in the hard copy paper, some of the candidates' responses had to be condensed. Here, you can find the full responses from the Spruce Woods candidate who sent in a response. NDP candidate Justin Shannon, Green candidate Gordon Beddome and Liberal candidate Jennifer Harcus did not send in their responses before the Banner & Press's print deadline. If they do respond before the election, they will be published here.
What we asked the candidates:
1. What was the specific issue that inspired you to put your name on the ballot?
2. Why do you want to represent this constituency? And why do you want to represent your party?
3. What do you think is the biggest issue facing your constituency?
4. We’re teaching kids, are we teaching them what they need to know to be functioning members of society?
5. Manitoba is a diverse population, yet some groups (LGBTQ+, First Nations, immigrants, etc.) aren’t discussed. Do you think more focus needs to be put on education that is more inclusive of our province’s citizens?
6. How do you see rural health services changing over the next decade?
7. The perception in many rural communities is that they are left out when it comes to development. How do you define rural development and how would you support it?
8. What role can the province play in helping to address the rising cost of living facing those from the middle class down?
Cliff Cullen
PC Party
About the candidate: I currently live in Glenboro but I was raised on a beef/grain farm near Wawanesa. I am the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General.
Responses: 1. There were numerous issues, broadly it was a desire to serve the community and to make the government more responsible to its citizens.
2. I believe my experience can help continue to move government to where people of Spruce Woods would like it to be. This is to provide quality services and provide value for their tax dollars. The PC Party stands for those goals.
3. It’s hard to pick just one. In the big picture, it is about creating a positive frame work for the future. Jobs for our kids and quality services for the future, there is so many pieces to the puzzle.
4. Our basic test results have been at the bottom when compared with other Provinces. That is why we have initiated the K-12 review, aimed at improving outcomes for kids. We look forward to receiving those recommendations.
5. I believe we have made progress on that front. I also look forward to the outcome of the K-12 review as it pertains to that issue. We should be open to learning at any age.
6. Change can be difficult. But we have to embrace change to provide better outcomes for patients. Health care is very dynamic, with changes in technology, medicine and delivery techniques. We can learn best practices from other jurisdictions.
7. Rural development means different things to different people and varies from community to community. It is important to grow the economy to help us out of the fiscal mess we inherited. It is important to create a sound foundation to allow communities to grow their economic development. Our Provincial economic development plan has a rural component that will specifically engage rural Manitobans.
8. We are focusing on reducing taxes Manitobans face. We promised to reduce the PST and increase the level where Manitobans start to pay taxes. We have done that and will move on a number of fronts to further reduce the Provincial Tax burden, while still maintaining the services Manitobans expect.