Right in the centre – A Thanksgiving and Anniversary wrap-up

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

Last week, I wrote about the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend and how it coincided with our 55th wedding anniversary. For about two weeks before the big day, I asked my wife what she wanted to do for our anniversary. No real plans were forthcoming so I went about our regular business of doing the best we can to publish three newspapers and help out at the Neepawa Access Community Television Station (NACTV). The Thursday before our anniversary was the regular paper delivery run to Rivers and Rapid City.

Read more: Right in the centre – A Thanksgiving and Anniversary wrap-up

Right in the centre - 55 years in the making

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

Fifty-five years ago on Oct. 11, it was a Saturday and it was a bit cool and blustery. It can easily be said that it was the most important day in my life. Christine and I got married that day in the Virden Presbyterian church. Our wedding reception was at the former Scarth School which, by 1969, had been converted into a community centre.

Read more: Right in the centre - 55 years in the making

Right in the centre - Keep them poor & uninformed

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

Last year, about this time I wrote about the danger of the elites and allowing an elite group of people run organizations. I hope you think it’s a topic worth re-visiting. One of the organizations in question was the Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba. I outlined how, over a few decades, a once vibrant, grassroots party let its organization and leadership to become, at best, mediocre. I got some definite feedback on that subject.

Another thought came to me today and that is, “Why do governments like keeping people poor and uninformed?”

Read more: Right in the centre - Keep them poor & uninformed

Right in the centre - Beware of the promise makers

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

The Provincial government announced some goals for energy production and conservation last week. Below are the main points and in italics I have written some things to watch for or to question about the policy.

Read more: Right in the centre - Beware of the promise makers

Right in the centre - Just waiting for them to die

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

It’s not uncommon to have to wait many months or even a year for a CT Scan or an MRI. Even an Ultrasound can take a long time. In spite of all the valiant efforts of health care workers, doctors, nurses and specialists to provide timely diagnostics and treatment, the system is faltering and even failing.

The ultimate fall back position in health care in Manitoba seems to be “Just wait until they die.” And it’s happening. People are dying while waiting for timely diagnostics and treatment.

Read more: Right in the centre - Just waiting for them to die