Seniors recess for summer


By Myrtle Wooldridge

Nineteen members of Rivers 50+ Club met on June 18 for the last meeting before summer break; our next meeting is Sept. 17 at 2 p.m. President Ken Young welcomed members and the meeting opened with the singing of O Canada.

Correspondence from Rivers Collegiate requested sponsoring an award; we agreed to donate $100 to an undergraduate with criteria being the same as in previous years.



Discussion took place regarding transportation costs for attending out of town events. It was decided each individual in the car contribute $5 to $8 per trip.

After attending an afternoon of playing spades at Virden Seniors Club, members felt it would be to our benefit to learn how to play this card game at our club.

Our wooden tables are going to be offered for sale; if anyone is interested in purchasing one/some, please phone Ken at 204-328-7316.

Several members sat at the attractively decorated birthday/anniversary table with honoured members being served ice-cream and coffee.

The meeting closed with singing God Save the Queen.