Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation cuts back services


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Hwy.  North at Neepawa has become a virtual forest of ragweed, grass and pigweed plants as highways department policies have changed. All highways except Hwy. 1 will only be mowed once per season and only after August 24 each year. (photo by Ken Waddell)

By Ken Waddell
The Neepawa Banner

Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation quietly implemented a new policy on highway mowing this year. In the past, provincial highways were mowed two or even more times a year but not any more. Only Hwy. 1 is being mowed more than once a season. All other highways are now subject to Phase One mowing which happens after August 24 and that mowing is contracted out. In addition, MIT used to accommodate requests from towns like Neepawa and Minnedosa for special mowing in advance of special community events such as Minnedosa’s Fun Fest or the former Neepawa Lily Festival. Those request won’t be met any longer either.


An MIT staff person said that the towns of Minnedosa and Neepawa are the “Traffic Authority” within town limits and if they want to mow, they can do so at any time but of course, it would be at town expense. When contacted, the Town of Neepawa office said they had not been informed of the change in policy