Back to school - Rivers police


By Bruce Klassen

Rivers Police Service

School classes in Rivers will resume on Sept. 8 and Rivers Police Service would like to remind motorists to be on the look out for bicycles and pedestrians going to and coming from school. Young children may forget pedestrian rules, so keep a watchful eye on these small ones who may unexpectedly dart in front of traffic to cross the street. Cyclists will be prevalent, so drivers are again cautioned to anticipate sudden moves from those on bikes.

Remember to watch your speed in the school zone areas at both the elementary and collegiate buildings, and be mindful of laws relating to school buses. Should you be caught for exceeding the speed limit or passing a bus while unsafe to do so, you may be fined and may have two demerit points added to your licence. The school zone speed is 30 kilometres per hour; Rivers Police Service will be monitoring these areas.

Thanks in advance for being extra alert while you drive and for being obedient of our nation’s laws.