August accounts - Rivers Police Service


By Bruce Klassen


As printed in last week’s Rivers Banner, the department once again reminds motorists that school will start this week. Please watch for bicycles and pedestrians going to and coming from school and remember to reduce your speed in the school zones.

The month of August saw Rivers Police Service attend to 64 calls for service. Of the six categories in violent crime, only one assault was reported; a total of six violent crimes have been investigated in 2015. There are seven categories of property crimes and in August, two thefts under $5,000 were reported; the total number of property crimes is now 33. The final Criminal Code subhead is other crimes, which has six categories; five frauds were reported last month and four other crimes such as breaches, public mischief, harassing phone calls, etc. Rivers Police Service has investigated 34 other crimes in 2015 and a total of 73 Criminal Code cases to date this year.

There were no federal traffic charges (year-to-date has been one impaired driving), but eight provincial traffic charges were made last month. One off-road vehicle issue was investigated and seven other Highway Traffic Act (speeding, unregistered vehicle, no licence, etc.) rules were broken. Two accidents were reported which brings the grand total of all traffic cases in 2015 to 77.

There were no Liquor and Gaming Control Act charges (year-to-date has been two, one each of possession of liquor in an unauthorized manner and possession/consumption by a minor) and only one Intoxicated Persons Detention Act (IDPA) which was enforced. To date, the IPDA has been broken nine times in Rivers (just over one case per month).

Half of the bylaws which members enforce were violated in August. There were no problems with nuisance or burning, but four complaints were lodged regarding animal control and one regarding traffic. Police have enforced these four bylaws a total of 32 times in the first eight months (one case per month of each bylaw), but the reality is animal control is the biggest area of concern among residents; 20 of the 32 bylaw enforcements have been for animals.

Rivers Police Service helps others so a section of our reporting is labelled assistance. In August the public was helped three times and RCMP (in the former RM of Daly) was helped seven times. Year-to-date has seen members assist the public 26 times, other agencies 12 times, RCMP 34 times and conducting pardons five times.

The miscellaneous section of statistic reporting has 16 categories and in 2015 has ranged from as few as 19 cases in one month to 49; August had 26 files in this section. Three were logged in mental health, three alarms, six noisy parties/disturbances, one lost property, one found property and 12 other miscellaneous calls, which includes unfounded complaints.