Health Auxiliary’s fall canvass on now


Submitted Article

The Neepawa Press

The Neepawa Health Auxiliary’s  last regular meeting was held Sept. 8 at the Legion Hall, with luncheon provided by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary.

Fall canvass and raffle ticket sales are in progress right now.  Planning has begun for the annual Fall Tea.

Recent purchases include equipment for the operating room at the hospital for $3,995.36, a security cart for cleaning at the hospital for $1,085.78 and blanket warmers at Country Meadows.

Eight local members will be attending the Annual Conference in Russell on Sept. 28 to 30.

The visiting program continues at the hospital, ensuring long stay patients receive at least one visit per week.

We have welcomed a new doctor, Dr. Desilets.

There have been many changes in staffing at the hospital due to retirements and many changes in residents at Country Meadows this year.

Flu clinics will soon be starting, with our auxiliary convening the clinic on Nov. 5.

A scholarship of $1000 was paid to Robyn Dolding following her successful completion of first year studies in the health care field.

The last blood donor clinic was successful in collecting 45 units of blood.

The next meeting will be Oct. 6, at the Legion at 11:30 am.