Quilt raffle raises money for Alzheimer’s Society



Submitted photo. Students and staff from Forest Home School with the quilt they raffled for the Alzheimer’s Society.

Submitted Article

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The students, staff, and community members of Forest Home School/Riverdale Hutterite Colony near Gladstone were busy selling tickets over the past few months for a fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Society.

A quilt was generously made and donated by a couple of ladies from the community to the school children’s project. 

Karen Lambert, Regional Coordinator for the Alzheimer Society and Judy Breckman, a volunteer with the Society, came to the school and did an informal presentation on dementia and Alzheimer’s for the students and community members.  Following this, they had the quilt raffle draw. The lucky winner was Ms. Helen Waldner of Riverdale Hutterian Community. The students raised $704 and handed it over to the Alzheimer’s Society with pride of their accomplishments.

On behalf of the Alzheimer Society Karen would like to thank the students, their teacher, Mary Hofer and their community for this generous fund raising project and for choosing the Alzheimer Society as recipient.

Funds raised go toward programs and services offered by The Alzheimer Society to those with a dementia disease as well as caregivers, including family, friends and professionals. Funds are also used in ongoing Research to find a cure for dementia diseases including Alzheimer, which is the most common diagnosed dementia.