Large "loo" for library


By Sherri Dziver


Prairie Crocus Regional Library is pleased to announce that we will soon have a wheelchair accessible washroom!The government of Canada’s Enabling Accessibility Fund has approved a grant for our new washroom. The focus of this fund is “to facilitate accessibility in communities across Canada through renovation, retrofit and/or construction of facilities where programs and/or services are offered to people with disabilities.”  Further, the fund gives consideration to recreational spaces for children with disabilities, veterans with disabilities and seniors with disabilities as its priority.

The library board recognized the need for an accessible washroom several years ago and has been fundraising ever since. With the approved grant from the government of Canada, and the funds the library has accumulated in the past few years, the washroom will be constructed in the spring of 2016. The board is pleased to be working with Ramsay Construction to make this a reality. The washroom will be located behind the librarian’s desk.

The board is grateful for support from the community in completing the application for the grant. We would like to extend appreciation to Riverdale Municipality, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 75, Rivers/Rapid City Senior Services Incorporated, Riverdale Health Centre’s Rehabilitation Unit, Rolling Dale Enterprises and Rivers Elementary School for the advice and letters supporting this project.

The library will also need the support of the community during the construction phase! Every effort will be made to make this process as short and dust-free as possible; watch for updates in the spring.