Topic of bullying discussed at HMK



Photo by Kira Paterson. RCMP Officer Jason Gurevitch and Neepawa Native Aiken Chop visited a Grade 1 class at HMK on Nov. 24 to talk about bullying. 

By Kira Paterson

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

On Tuesday, Nov. 24 and Thursday, Nov. 26, Spruce Plains RCMP officer Jason Gurevitch and a few Neepawa Natives hockey players visited Kindergarten to Grade 3 classes at Hazel M. Kellington School to talk about bullying. The presentations included reading a Berenstain Bears book about teasing to the kids and having class discussions.

Following the reading, Gurevitch asked the classes what they thought of it. He also asked questions to get them to figure out what bullying looks like, how to stop bullying and what they can do if they’re being bullied. 

On Dec. 3, Gurevitch and the Neepawa Natives had two more presentations to do for a Kindergarten and Grade 2 class, then they did presentations for the Grade 5 classes about emotional health. There were class discussions generated to help the kids understand what emotional health and well-being is. 

Gurevitch introduced the students to the Kids Help Phone’s website and showed them how to use it. He also got the classes to come up with questions to ask a worker at Kids Help Phone and made a call with the classed so they could ask the questions. The classes discussed how they can stay emotionally healthy and how to manage stress and anxiety.