Neepawa establishes new strategic plan


By Eoin Devereux

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Neepawa has set its priorities for the future, as Town Council has approved a new strategic plan. The document received final approval at the Tuesday, Jan. 5 council meeting.

Mayor Adrian de Groot noted that the plan is designed to create broad goals that will provide direction for the municipal government, as opposed to being just a to-do list.

Highlights from Neepawa’s strategic plan include:

• Well Managed Growth: To give Council options to provide development ready lands for industrial/commercial/residential growth, including investing in infrastructure and planning methods.

• Infrastructure: To ensure the town’s physical assets are maintained within best practice principles.

• Fiscal Framework: To improve services to community by establishing a fiscal sustainability framework.

De Groot said the approach to this plan will ensure current and future councils can have a direction already set for them. He added the specifics of the plan, such as road improvements or development initiatives, would be addressed each year individually.

Additional details on Neepawa’s strategic plan can be found on the town website.

Dutch Elm concerns

Neepawa Town Council has taken a stand against the province’s dutch elm disease management program. The agreement outlines that the province would provide $181.32 per tree removed to the municipal governments, as well as $2,000 for administration. That rate brought forward by the Manitoba Government was less than what’s been provided to municipalities in the past.

Neepawa’s councillors have opted to vote against the agreement. The reason for the measure being voted down was disappointment from the council regarding the rate reduction, as they believe it would create a burden on taxpayers. Councillors also questioned the overall effectiveness of the provincial program.