Conference to bring Manitoba small farmers together



File photo. A large number of small farm owners attended the inaugural conference in 2015.

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 In two weeks time, Brandon will be welcoming not only the big farmers - Small Farms Manitoba is organizing in Manitoba’s second largest city its second annual conference, a one-day event that connects direct-marketing and small-scale food producers.

The Small Farms Conference will be held at Knox United Church in Brandon on Saturday, Jan. 23 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The conference will feature 12 interactive workshops about  direct farm marketing and alternative food production in Manitoba. Topics range from ‘Successful Pastured Poultry Models’ to ‘Farm Tourism’ to ‘Tips for Selling to Retailers.’ 

“The Small Farms Conference is a day that emphasizes farmer-to-farmer learning,” says conference organizer, Kalynn Spain. “Farmers in Manitoba do not always realize how the lessons they have learned can help another farmer. There is a lot of knowledge here already.”

This year’s Conference will open with a presentation entitled “Our History as Small Farmers” led by David Neufeld, a market gardener near Boissevain who has been actively involved in organizing small-scale farmers. The day will kick-off with 3 marketing workshops scheduled before noon about direct farm sales, farmer’s markets and retailers.

Two farmers or food business owners will draw from their experience to present on each of the workshop topics and participants will be invited to offer their input within each session. All of the workshops will be moderated by young, aspiring farmers who want to further their connections and learning.  “I am excited that this conference is happening again,” says Erica Young, a conference volunteer and second-year farmer who runs a CSA near Beausejour.

“I was amazed to see so many young people at the conference,” comments Dr. Wayne Lees, former CVO for Manitoba, who spoke at the 2015 conference. “Looking at those who were in attendance, it seems like there are a lot of new and emerging small farmers in Manitoba.”

The Small Farms Conference is hosted by Small Farms Manitoba, a social enterprise that aims to connect Manitoba consumers with local food producers. Kalynn Spain, Founder and Coordinator, notes that the event marks the two-year anniversary of Small Farms Manitoba’s online directory, a marketing platform for direct-marketing producers in the province.Conference tickets will be available at the door. Participants are invited to bring a dish for the large potluck lunch, scheduled to start at noon. 

For more information, contact Kalynn at 204-333-7537 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . or visit the event page at