Reverse osmosis water for Rivers


By Todd Gill

Rivers Mayor

What seems like forever for some, is five short years for others. In 2011 Manitoba Water Services Board (MWSB) met with Town of Rivers council of that day, and expressed their concerns that our present water treatment facility may not hold the ability to meet water standards of the day, even with significant upgrades. At that time, it was suggested that we look towards funding an overall study of the existing facility that would not only document the present condition of the facility, but would give recommendation as to its faith.

In early 2012 funding for the study was approved and a contract signed by both parties, to have a complete detailed study performed by Genivar Engineering. In June 2013 Genivar presented Rivers the completed study. Results of the study came as somewhat of a surprise because prior to this, for many years, the waste water lagoon had been the priorate for both Rivers and the province. The results were very clear that due to changes in legislation and the fact that we treat surface water, Rivers was in need of a new treatment facility that would not only introduce new treatment technology but would add storage capacity that is essential for growth and fire fighting capabilities. Additionally, the new design would eliminate the need for future use or upgrades to our present water tower.

In very short order, the Town of Rivers agreed to cost-share a functional design report on a new water treatment facility with MWSB. A call for proposals was put out immediately, with funding for the report approved in the 2014 financial plan. As with most water and sewer infrastructure projects in Manitoba, MWSB took the lead role in this project right from the beginning. They very quickly selected JRCC Engineering to carry out the functional design of the new facility. With the functional design completed and funding commitments from both MWSB and Town of Rivers, the design was accepted and construction/design documents ordered to carry forward to the tendering stage. 

MSWB put out a call for tenders late in 2015 with the possibility of construction to commence in January 2016. With a couple of addendums, extensions and an optional construction start date, tenders closed on Jan. 8. Fortunately, it appears that of the 10 general contractors who participated in the tender process, an acceptable tender has come in at what would be considered within the project budget so the process of contract particulars continues. The project is expected to be formally awarded within another week with an anticipated construction start date of April 1.

Although completion of our new treatment facility will come slightly later than originally anticipated, we as Riverdale Municipality are very excited that this facility will in fact, become a reality in the very near future. I encourage our citizens to engage in the same enthusiasm for the project. Regardless of the inconveniences past, present and future, Rivers citizens will very soon be served with some of the best quality water there can be. As well, our rural neighbours will have an opportunity to once again enjoy a potable source for their use.

On behalf of Riverdale Municipality, I would like to thank you all for your ongoing patience and understanding. Additionally, I would like to offer our sincere gratitude to our public works staff who continue to put forward every effort possible to ensure your water inconveniences are kept to a minimum.