Lions host pickerel supper


By Jessie Bell

Rivers and Area Lions Club’s 13th annual pickerel fry supper was held on Valentine’s Day in Rivers Legion Hall. It was attended by more than 160 people with an additional 35 take-outs delivered. Preparing the meal were Peter Mellings, Lawrence McFarlane, Murray Kernaghan, Jim Boles and Harvey Wood. Servers were Ross and Chic Lindberg and Betty MacDonald. Don Montague and son Stephen (from Brandon) did deliveries. Marilyn Montague and John Lyons welcomed everyone at the door and sold tickets on a 50/50 draw, won by Steve Malkowich of Brandon (each received $102.50). Lion ladies Aeleen Sclater, Karen Mellings and Donna Treloar performed kitchen duties.

The pickerel fry is one of three major cook-out events held annually by the club. Other food functions include a pre-Christmas supper for seniors, operating a concession booth during Rivers fair and summer barbecues as need and time dictate. Another means of raising money for the club has been the collection of used non-household batteries from farms and the refuse grounds. These are shipped to Winnipeg with receipts totalling around $12,000! These club profits are then donated back to the community for various needs.

President Doug Dickenson leads a membership of 22; however, there is a need for younger members, especially to help with large events. An example of the amount of work required to hold the fish fry last Sunday was ordering and conveying the fish from Gimli, setting up the hall, delegating shifts/workers, ordering utensils/salads/condiments, pre-roasting potatoes, setting up heavy tea/coffee urns and when everyone has left the hall “full”y satisfied, there is cleaning up to do.