School shorts - Mar. 10, 2016


Submitted Article:

Rolling River School Division, Feb. 17: The board approved and/or discussed the following reports: personnel, leave of absence, senior administration, a committee report, Manitoba School Boards Association (MSBA).

The board went in camera for 20 minutes to hear a portion of the senior administration’s report. Trustees Terryl Maduke or Lawrence McFarlane will receive board ballots at the MSBA convention. Superintendent Mary-Anne Ploshynsky reported on changes to the Level II and III student funding application process. Assistant superintendent Marg Janssen and Trustee Cyrstal Erickson reported on the School Safety Conference. Rapid City Parent Advisory Council has requested a meeting. Ploshynsky presented the suspension report. Janssen reported on a personnel issue. Because MSBA is hosting the conference in 2016 , the board supported sending several trustees to the Canadian School Board Association and National Trustee Gathering on Aboriginal Education in Winnipeg July 6-9.

Rolling River School Division, March 2: The board approved the 2016-17 budget at $24,065,155 and the 2016-17 Special Requirement at $11,626,675. Trustees Barbra Gilleshammer and Shauna Sotas-Burton were appointed to the 2016 Retirement and Recognition Dinner Committee. The annual bus driver hydro compensation for the 2015-16 school year was adopted as: $120 per year for buses with a 0.9 kilowatt heater; $185 per year for buses with a 1.4 kilowatt heater ; $210 per year for buses with a 1.6 kilowatt heater; $250 per year for buses with a 1.9 kilowatt heater. Trustees Carole Black, Gilleshammer and Maduke were appointed to the Assistant Superintendent Search Ad Hoc committee. The board went in camera for 15 minutes to hear a portion of the senior administration’s report. The board approved and/or discussed the following reports: personnel, leave of absence, senior administration, MSBA. The board approved a 50 per cent cost sharing with Fort La Bosse School Division, a $15,000 second year study bursary for the psychologist candidate. Ploshynsky reported on a recent meeting with Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation and RM of Harrison Park regarding concerns with the pedestrian crossing on Hwy. 10 and the condition of Provincial Route 354. Guidelines for implementing reduced school speed zones were reviewed; implementation of reduced speed zones for all Rolling River School Division Schools will be requested. Ploshynsky presented the suspension report. A trimester report/board and superintendent evaluation meeting will be March 15 at 5 p.m.; it will be followed by a board meeting at 6:30 p.m. A policy review meeting will be April 27 at 5 p.m.