Digital resources offered through Neepawa library


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Neepawa Public Library

Do you hoopla? One of the many services library patrons can access is hoopla, an online collection of digital content selected to provide a variety of resources for all ages. And now, hoopla has a new “Kids Mode” called “hoopla for kids,” where titles in each format – video, music and books – has been selected and brought together in one place to provide a one-stop location for all the great content kids can enjoy.

To explore hoopla and see what’s available to both children and adults, go to

Next in our lineup of exciting author visits is Angela Misri, who will be coming to Neepawa as part of the TD Canadian Children’s Book Week 2016 - a national program to celebrate literature for children and young adults. Ms. Misri is the author of the Portia Adams adventure series and she’ll be at the library on Tuesday, May 10 from 2 to 3 pm. We’re looking forward to a dynamic and interesting presentation.

Regular library programming continues with Storytime on Friday mornings at 11:00 for ages 2-5 and their caregivers. The theme for the last Friday in April is spring flowers, with stories and a craft for everyone to make and take home.

Also keep in mind that the Western Manitoba Regional Library system is on social media. Follow our pages on Twitter (@WMRL) and Facebook (Western Manitoba Regional Library) to stay up-to-date on events, new book releases and updates to additional services such as hoopla and eLibraries. 

“Make it a rule to never give a child a book you would not read yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw