Palliative care to host hike


By Naomi Russell

Submitted Article 

On Sunday, June 12 Rivers palliative care organization (newly re-named Riverdale Palliative Care) will be holding its annual Hike for Hospice Palliative Care. This event is sponsored by Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA), whose mission is the pursuit of excellence in care for persons approaching death so that the burdens of suffering, loneliness and grief are lessened.

CHPCA established this event in 2003 to raise awareness about hospice palliative care in Canada. Currently only 16 to 30 per cent of Canadians who die have access to or receive hospice palliative and end-of-life care services and this is dependant on where they live in Canada. Each death in Canada affects the immediate well-being of an average of five other people, or more than 1.25 million Canadians each year (as estimated by CHPCA). Hospice palliative care improves the quality of life of persons with life-limiting illness, their families and friends. All Canadians have the right to die with dignity, free of pain, surrounded by their loved ones, in the setting of their choice.   

There are many reasons why the local organization feels Hike for Hospice is a great event in which to be involved: to raise awareness of the urgency for the need of a national strategy for hospice palliative care; to acknowledge the dedicated care givers, volunteers and people who work within hospice palliative care; to honour or remember someone; to raise money for hospice palliative care services in our community.  This event is the organization’s main fundraiser each year.  All of the funds raised at the hike stay within our community! Riverdale Palliative Care also accepts memorial donations throughout the year in honour of loved ones.  

Hikers will walk a different route this year. Registration will begin at 2:30 p.m. at The Pettapiece Gardens at  Rivers Health Centre; the hike will start at 3 p.m. The route will take participants out to Rivers Cemetery where committee volunteers will share some vignettes and historical facts about some of our community’s most noteworthy residents who are buried there.  There will be a barbecue happening at The Pettapiece Gardens at 5p.m. The barbecue is open to the public and proceeds raised there will also go to support Riverdale Palliative Care. Pledge sheets are available at Prairie Crocus Regional Library, Rivers Home Hardware and the hospital nursing station. For more information please contact Naomi Russell at 204-726-8569 or Esther Krahn at 204-328-7189 or refer to our ad in this issue of Rivers Banner. Please come out and support this very worthwhile event! Anyone wishing more information about our local committee work or to express interest in taking the volunteer course can feel free to contact Esther or Naomi.