Clear Lake ready to welcome visitors


By John Drinkwater

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

The launch of the new Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) brand, Clear Lake Country - Riding Mountain National Park took place on Wednesday, June 15 at RMNP Visitor Centre. By partnering with RMNP, Travel Manitoba and the local business community, Clear Lake Country (CLC) has been given the mandate to become the primary marketing body for the townsite of Wasagaming, RMNP and the community of Onanole.

During the evening, presentations were given by Karly McRae of DMO, RMNP Superintendent Michaela Kent and Travel Manitoba CAO Colin Ferguson.

Karly remarked that Colin was instrumental in developing the brand. DMO supplied video created by Austin McKay, which included Winter Adventure Weekend images. McRae mentioned two unique events: Moonlight Madness, a street festival on June 25. Businesses will be open later, games etc. bringing more visitors to Wasagaming. The second promotion will be a beer and wine event linked to the annual concert organized by RMNP.

Michaela Kent said that Parks Canada want to increase visitation and revenue through new promotional initiatives. She commented, “Let's face it. We are stronger together. By investing in initiatives we will become an even greater destination and perhaps the premier destination in Manitoba. We have already seen positive promotional (DMO) effects  in media coverage, both traditional and new print, web, Facebook, video and Instagram. This gives visitors the information they want, when and how they want it. So far, we’ve seen a positive effect on our gate revenue, visitation and campground occupancy. By working alongside our stakeholders and partners, we can deliver exceptional experiences, inviting guests to explore this area, stay longer, spend more and share their stories with others.”

An excellent Powerpoint was presented by Travel Manitoba's Colin Ferguson. He said the new provincial government has increased funding to tourism. Tourism ranks number five in terms of total revenues, larger than wheat.

Ferguson said, “Same day/overnight Parkland visits bring 445,000 people annually. Total expenditure is about $51 million. 20,000 visitors from the U.S. generate $1.6 million.

Travel Manitoba will be increasing tourism initiatives to Mid-Western States in the U.S.

In the role of destination marketing– When everybody works together, you'll attract more visitors. You will inspire them to want to spend more time here."