Barbecue to benefit the care home



Submitted photo. From left to right: Abigail Plett, Claire Tominko, Richelle Forgue and Rylee Mann.

Submitted Article

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

On Friday, July 8 these young ladies are holding a barbecue at Shop Easy Foods parking lot from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The girls are putting on the barbecue and donating the proceeds to the residents of Country Meadows Personal Care Home. The proceeds will be used to help cover expenses of the residents’ Handy-Van trips. The residents participate in different trips/outings yearly from April to October.

Since Handy-Van rentals for outings are a non-insured item through Manitoba Health, that means the cost of trips would have to come out of the residents’ pockets. The Activity Department has set up a raffle book fundraiser to help cover these costs. Raffle tickets are available at Country Meadows and will also be sold at the barbecue. The girls have jumped on board to help out for this fundraiser. The staff and residents are very appreciated of the girls and their families in organizing this event for our trips. Hope to see lots of people out for the barbecue.