Health auxilary provides over $15,500 in support



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The Neepawa Area Health Auxiliary will hold its next meeting after the summer break on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at the Neepawa Legion Hall.

In May, some of our members assisted and made cookies and juice at the blood donor clinic. Ten members attended the regional meeting in Rivers. On May 7, the Birnie ladies held a luncheon and cookie sale and presented the $1,400 proceeds to us. Much appreciated!

Regional representatives Jan Bailey and Bernice Baker attended a provincial executive meeting in June, president Ivy Cameron presented the certificate for the $1,000 scholarship to Samantha Nickart, who is entering the health care field and will receive a cheque upon entry to the second year. There are a number of teen volunteers from NACI who assist at the hospital and care home who received certificates at the awards night in June.

Four members assisted at the Country Meadows Strawberry Tea in August.

Throughout the year, members of the auxiliary visit long-term patients at the hospital.

Member Louise Hares looks after the hospital cupboard, which sells items such as toothbrushes and paste, brushes, combs and cards, plus homemade items, such as baby afghans, sweaters, bonnets, slippers, toques and mitts. These are donated by the community and auxiliary members. Thank you to all for these items.

The fall canvass is starting in September and the annual raffle will be made at the tea at the end of October.

At each of our seven yearly meetings, reports are given by site managers or charge nurses.

The auxiliary has an in memorium account which anyone can make a donation to in memory of someone.

Some of our donations this past year have been: bariatric chair $934.16, operating room equipment $3,995.36, Sphyg Aneroid mobile 2” cuffs tri purpose flexiport $442.12, Talo professional monitor $624.25, infrared motion sensor monitor $134.82, Mult-T pump kit $3996.00, fall mats $529.84, pressure mattress $5,000 - a grand total of $15,656.55. These are items which the government’s budget for Manitoba Health does not cover.

Member Jean Brochardt informed us of the Tim Hortons Smile Cookie event, planned for Sept. 12 to 18. Watch for posters and ads around Neepawa and area in the next week.