Storytime returns to Neepawa


By Neepawa Public Library

September is a busy time with the start of school and all the other activities getting underway and it’s no different at the Neepawa Library, where we’re installing new shelves and busily reorganizing to make our books and digital titles easier to browse. We apologise for things being in disarray, but we hope to have it all sorted soon. 


Our popular program, Storytime, has begun again and is open on Fridays at 11:00 a.m. to pre-school-age children and their caregivers. We’re excited to host special guest reader Bobbie Parrott, of Minnedosa, on Friday, Sept. 30. Bobbie will read from her children’s book: “I Thought I Could and I Did!” a book about having confidence in yourself and working to succeed, no matter what you try. Our reading is included in the Manitoba I Love Culture weekend; check their website at for all the events scheduled around the province from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2. 

Mark your calendars: on October 27, we’re excited to host a reading and presentation by Craig Russell of Brandon of his second book “Fragment.” Craig will launch his new book at McNally Robinson in October and we’re very excited to be one of the dates on his new book tour. His first book, “Black Bottle Man” is available at the Neepawa Library.

“What do you think you can do?” 

– Bobbie Parrott