Observation: Sept 23


By Addy Oberlin
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Equinox. I had never heard of it until I moved to the prairies. It happens twice a year, in March and September. Farmers talk about it and some even say that it always rains on equinox. This Thursday is called equinox, or as some calendars say, “first day of fall.”

On that day, the 22nd of September, we will have just as much daylight as we will have moonlight. We know that fall is here. Many trees are loosing their leaves, the farmers are very busy to get their crops in the bins before the snow falls or the frost comes. I heard many flocks of geese fly over, honking their way south. Most gardens have produced plenty to supply for the winter months. God did a perfect job when He said “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years” Genesis 1:14.

Let us enjoy the beautiful fall weather and thank God for creating the seasons.