4-H year begins


Tristinn Bjarnarson

Neepawa and Area 4H Beef Club

The Neepawa and Area 4H Beef Club held their reorganization meeting Oct. 3 at NACI in the Library.

To get us started, two intermediate members, Cora Baker and Rebecca-Lynn Pedersen made us do a game to get us reacquainted.

We elected our new officers for the 2016-2017 year: president Dylan Oshanyk, vice-president Max Baker, treasurer Cora Baker, secretary Madison Teichroeb, club reporter-Tristinn Bjarnarson, scrapbooker Lauren Rosling, area council reps Cora Baker (member) and Tim Baker (parent), Fat Stock Committee members Bruce Rosling and Shelley Bjarnarson and Ag. Society rep Tim Baker.

We currently have 16 members and nine families. We will once again will be providing snacks for the Arden Bingo every Tuesday for the months of November and December.

Nov. 15, our club will be catering the annual Manitoba Beef Producers District meeting at the Neepawa Legion. 

We are looking forward to another great year! Our next meeting will take place Nov. 7.