Tips for a safe, happy Halloween


By Miranda Leybourne

Neepawa Banner

Pumpkins have been appearing on front porches, fall leaves litter the lawns, and soon children will be out and about searching for sweet treats dressed up as their favourite superheroes and television characters.

Halloween is on its way, and the Spruce Plains RCMP detachment wants to make sure that it’s an enjoyable and safe time for all families. 

Cpl. David Taggart says one of the biggest concerns for Halloween safety is visibility, since many children will be trick-or-treating after dark. 

“Wear a light coloured, flame-resistant costume. Ask your parents to use reflective tape so drivers can see you better,” he tells the Neepawa Banner. “Carry a flashlight so you can see in the dark.”

Along with visibility, it’s important that children use street sense when out canvassing for candy. This includes using sidewalks, going up and down one side of a street at a time and not criss-crossing between houses on either sides of the street. Also, it’s important to stay away from alleys, wooded areas and vacant lots.

Taggart says young children should always trick-or-treat with an adult, and older children should do so in larger groups.

“Tell your parents your route and when you’ll be home,” he advises. “Never go into a strange house, apartment or car.”

A few more of Taggart’s tips include not approaching animals that you don’t know, wearing makeup instead of vision-inhibiting masks and wearing short costumes that won’t trip you up. He also advises against bicycling during trick-or-treating. In addition, he stresses the importance of children waiting to eat their candy until their parents have thoroughly checked it over.

The Government of Canada has some tips about keeping children safe while decorating for the holiday. Adults are encouraged to allow their children to draw faces on their pumpkins but to leave the carving for the grown-ups, to avoid injury. Candles, matches, and lighters should only be handled by adults, and flashlights or battery candles are a much better choice than real candles in jack-o-lanterns.