Preserving the past


By Norma Forsman

Archivist, Beautiful Plains Archives

The Beautiful Plains Archives, located in the Beautiful Plains County Court Building, are looking to add to their large collection of records of the history of the Beautiful Plains area. These records could be from the business community, schools, churches, sports, service clubs, theatre, choirs, music groups, festivals, medical, political, artists, musicians, writers, local television station and many more. Our communities have been built and still are being built on the activities and programs of all of these groups.

Valuable archival records can include minute books, membership lists, financial statements, lists of board/executive members, photos, scrapbooks, newspaper write-ups and audio or video records that show the mission and the projects that have contributed to our communities and to our residents.

The Beautiful Plains Archives board would like to encourage you to contribute your history to the local archives so that it can be preserved and used for future reference.

The archives are in need of financial support to be able to make the archives more accessible to the public. We want to be able to have more administration time to assist groups and people to preserve their history, to promote the archives through fundraising, newsletters and developing of a website. The Beautiful Plains Archives are a registered charity for financial donations.

Currently the archives are open on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon to assist you with accepting your material or having your documents and photos scanned. We welcome questions. 

Everyone is welcome to come and visit the archives and view what has already been collected.