Details unveiled on Neepawa’s recreation future


By Eoin Devereux

Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

After months of examination, new information has been released related to the future of Neepawa’s recreational services and facilities.  The review was instigated last year, in order to discuss the long term needs of the community and how to best address them.  A detailed report on those findings was presented to the public on Wednesday, Oct. 26. 

Overall strengths/areas for improvement

Before a full scale review could begin, the strengths and weaknesses of the community were identified. Though a questionnaire/interview done with 36 local organizations in the spring, it was found that there were three areas of strength. Those were a strong existing volunteer base, a growing interest in local programs and the ability for local groups to work well together. The concerns most cited were a lack of space, financial barriers and challenges to get new volunteers

Role of Leisure Services 

The next part of the review focused on the role and responsibilities of the Leisure Services Manager. It concluded that the position has evolved since it was first created. The report suggested that in order to accommodate that evolution, the definition of ‘leisure’ needs to be expanded beyond ‘physical recreation’ and should encompass a broader range of activities (i.e., magic shows, crafts, etc.). The review also stressed that more work could be focused on creating a phased infrastructure plan that would support more low cost, accessible outdoor recreation.

Better communication

Previously identified as one of the major concerns, the recreation report noted that changes and improvements over the course of 2016 have already proven successful in improving communication deficiencies. It stressed, however, that the creation of a brochure summarizing all the available recreation facilities and groups in Neepawa and their contact information would also be beneficial. Other suggestions were that the distribution of a biannual newsletter, upcoming event posters and a more targeted media and online advertising campaign would aid in getting the message out to local ratepayers. The report also commended the Town for working on a brand new website, that will include a more user friendly community calendar.

Accessible recreation service

A recommendation was made for council to begin a dialogue with surrounding municipalities and start working together as a region. The intention moving forward is to reach out to North Cypress-Langford, Rosedale and Glenella-Lansdowne to see if they are interested in working together on improving rec services.

Task force

Another part of the report outlined the need for a task force committee. This concept was actually brought forward during the initial community meeting held last year, with several potential names suggested for the committee. The review echoed that recommendation and added that council should establish a project steering committee that would be responsible for hiring and managing a consulting firm to undertake a facility master plan. This plan would focus on the way recreation facilities will be developed, delivered and ensure those things the community values can be maintained and/or achieved.