Observation - Dec. 2, 2016


By Addy Oberlin

The Neepawa Banner

Driving in town at night, I can see the special streetlights and also some decorated homes. People are thinking about Christmas. I hear ladies who have already done their baking of special dainties for the coming season.

Each year, it comes more and more to mind what we can do for the elderly, the sick, the lonely, the grieving, the hurting. Are we spreading the Good News to them that Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem and that He came to earth not just to be a nice man? John 3:16 tells us that because God loves us so much that He sent His Son to this world, so that those who believe in Him, can inherit eternal life. This is the message that we need to pass on to those around us this Christmas. There is a hope, an expectation, that is a reality for those who believe.

In our preparations for Christmas let us bring some joy and happiness to someone who the Lord lays on our heart.