Munro Farms Supplies, Shur-Gro support post-secondary education


By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Shur-Gro Farm Services and Munro Farm Supplies have embarked on an annual scholarship in Agribusiness program at Assiniboine Community College. The new scholarship is a 5 year, $15,000.00 commitment to the Agribusiness program in support of students. The scholarship will be for returning Agribusiness students, with a focus on those students with leadership qualities, and community involvement.

Ron Helwer President of Shur-Gro Farm Services and Munro Farm Supplies states “ACC has been a great leader in training young people with the skills required to enter the workforce. Shur-Gro and Munro employ numerous students from the Agribusiness program, and see the benefits the program provides to business through Alumni.”

Michelle Atamanchuk, Development Officer with ACC Foundation says, “The partnership we have with Shur-Gro Farm Services and Munro Farm Supplies are the types of connections we love to see in our community. The generous support of donors like them, allow our students to focus on studies instead of worrying about finances. This allows the student to succeed, and give back much like Ron and his company do, and the community benefits as a whole!”