Looking Back - 1956: Flight Cadet D. Kidd earns his wings


By Cecil Pittman

The Neepawa Press

Week of Dec. 21, 2016

80 years ago.  Friday, Dec. 11, 1936: The skating rink opened Tuesday night with a good crowd in attendance. The ice cut up badly in spots, which was to be expected in view of the last minute rush to get the rink open. It is hoped the conditions will be overcome by early installation of a heating coil to provide hot water for flooding purposes.

70 years ago. Thursday, Dec. 19, 1946: Now that old man winter is here, you can find Neepawa’s air cadet’s Squadron #9 holding their meeting every other Wednesday at the Neepawa Collegiate. Previously, the squadron has been parading to Neepawa airport for instructional training, which consisted of drills, target practice and armament. Wednesday last, the air cadets met to begin their winter training. The courses to be taken this winter are: navigation, photography, aircraft recognition, aero-engineer, radio and armament.

60 years ago. Thursday, Dec. 20, 1956: Flight cadet D. Kidd, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Kidd of Neepawa, recently received his wings from Air Commodore A.A.G. Corbet E.D., Director General of Medical Services RCAF. Presentation was made at the RCAF Station Winnipeg on successful completion of the Airborne Interception Navigation Course.

50 years ago. Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1966: Public donations to East View Lodge have been mounting in recent weeks, as many organizations and individuals have contributed to the housing project for the elderly. Construction at the home is nearing completion, with an anticipated opening date sometime in January.

40 years ago. Thursday, Dec. 16, 1976: At a dance in the Legion Hall on Friday, Dec. 10, the ladies auxiliary and the men’s branch of the Neepawa Legion celebrated 50 years of service to veterans and the community. Just at midnight, a cake, lighted with 50 candles, was presented by the ladies to the men’s branch. Those taking part for the ladies were past president Illa Hockin and president Doreen Deveson and acting for the men were past president Doug Hockin and vice-president Allan Campbell, acting for president Frank Ferguson, who was unable to attend. On Dec. 6, 1926, Dominion Command presented a charter to the Neepawa branch of the Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. The original charter still hangs in the clubroom over the telephone.

30 years ago. Thursday, Dec. 18, 1986: Six-year-old Tommy Black, of Neepawa, has a special group of friends unlike those of most young boys his age. Tommy is a member of the War Amputations of Canada Child Amputee (CHAMP) program and because he is a member, he attended a regional CHAMP seminar in Winnipeg earlier this year. The seminar, Tommy’s fourth since joining CHAMP in 1981, saw him reacquainted with many of his CHAMP friends. Tommy was born missing his right hand and now wears an artificial arm. As with past seminars, Tommy had an opportunity to talk and play with CHAMPs who have similar types of amputations.

20 years ago. Monday, Dec. 17, 1996: The Beautiful Plains Community Foundation received its largest donation ever last Monday, in the form of a $100,000 cheque from East View Lodge. Although the gesture is certainly philanthropic, Beautiful Plains Health Services board chairman Dean Dietrich admitted there was more than philanthropy involved. “After regional health authorities take over [April 1, 1997] we don’t know what’s going to happen to a lot of things, like retained earnings,” said Dietrich. “This way we can make sure the money stays in the community.”

10 years ago. Monday, Dec. 18, 2006: The bell tolls: Cecil Pittman of the Neepawa Lions club was ringing the bell for the needy last week. The money collected in the Salvations Army’s Christmas kettle will be used for filling Christmas hampers for needy families.