Looking Back: 1987: Drop In Centre construction runs into delays


By Cecil Pittman

The Neepawa Press

80 years ago. Friday, Feb. 12, 1937: Earl Murray went to Winnipeg Monday, a member of the Alec Russell rink of Kelwood, to take part in the Winnipeg bonspiel. 

70 years ago. Thursday, Feb. 20, 1947: It was announced over the air on Saturday evening that Mrs. H. Petch was the winner in a Greyhound Bus contest and would receive a free trip to the coast within the next six months. Congratulations! Mrs. Petch is a Franklin district resident.

60 years ago. Thursday Feb. 21, 1957: According to information recently received by his parents, an island in northern Saskatchewan has been named Dalton Island, in memory of late Sargent Gordon E. Dalton R.C.A.F., who was killed in action in 1943. The younger son of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Dalton, Calgary, Alberta, former residents of Neepawa. Gordon was born here in 1922.

50 years ago. Friday, Feb. 24, 1967: A Beautiful Plains Division school bus, with 66 students on board was forced into the ditch Wednesday during a fierce winter blizzard which struck the area. Winds gusting over 40 miles per hour reduced visibility to near zero during the height of the storm, slowing transportation of all types to a crawl. Reports indicate that areas north of Neepawa were hardest hit. The school bus, transporting students from Eden to Birnie, ran into trouble at Birnie Creek. Driver Maurice Gerrie says that he was forced to take the ditch when he saw a car approaching on the wrong side of the road. The bus entered the ditch at its steepest point, but by what is termed a miracle, didn't overturn. None of the 66 students were injured.

40 years ago. Thursday, Feb 24, 1977: Jim Deveson of Arden was elected to the board of directors of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture at the organization’s annual meeting, held in Ottawa Feb. 7 to 10. Mr. Deveson represents Manitoba Pool Elevators on the executive of the Manitoba Farm Bureau, which is Manitoba's affiliate of CFA.

30 years ago. Thursday, Feb 19, 1987: The building committee of the new Neepawa and District Drop In Centre has run into delays, caused by a steel strike and government red tape, with the result that the facility should be shortly open for business. Because the building is nearing total completion, the committee has tentatively scheduled March 19 as the official grand opening. At this construction stage of the $177,300 facility, most of the interior and all the exterior work has been completed.

20 years ago Monday, Feb. 10, 1997: The Access 12 Amateur Talent show last Wednesday raised over $12,500 for the local cable channel, erasing any fears programming cutbacks were in the offing. “We’re hot to trot for another year,” said Ivan Traill, chairman of the local community cable channel. “We’re on solid financial footing now.” Traill said going into the fundrasier, organizers were hoping to raise $10,000 – a he thought “not unrealistic.” Alanna Levandoski won first place, composing and singing her own songs. Second place went to NACI student B.J. Kulbacki, for his mime of golfing, while third place was awarded to the Nick Martin Combo, a rock band of NACI students.

10 years ago. Monday, Feb. 19, 2007: Police are calling it one of the largest drug busts in the area, after four suspects were arrested and $15,000 worth of illegal drugs and cash were seized from a Neepawa home a week ago Saturday. “It's a considerable amount” said Sargent Eric Davidson of Spruce Plains area RCMP detachment. “It should make a dent in the local (drug) trade in this area,” Davidson said at the Minnedosa detachment Tuesday, where police displayed evidence – piles of $20, $50 and $100 bills, a scale, bags of powder and crack cocaine, and a book, called Dr. Dealer. Davidson said police raided the home – which he did not identify – Saturday morning after obtaining a search warrant. He did not say what led police to suspect illegal activity at the home, which neighbours said is located on 3rd Avenue. “It was part of a ongoing investigation for several months,” Davidson said.