Rivers Chamber hears considerable comments


By Sheila Runions

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At the March meeting of Rivers and District Chamber of Commerce it was announced that Lt.-Gov. Janice Filmon would be in Rivers on Friday, June 9. She is coming to make a presentation at the stationette with Rivers Train Station Restoration Project. It was suggested the Chamber co-ordinate activities to coincide with this prestigious visit, so updates in this regard were heard at the April 26 chamber meeting. 

Recreation manager Laura Gillingham reported there are plans for a June 9-11 celebration with events such as Rivers Comets ball games, a movie in the park and children’s entertainment as some of the festivities. Rivers & Area Game & Fish Association will award $150 in its Canada 150 photo contest; more information can be found on their Facebook page. Laura encourages other groups to co-ordinate their own events and to contact her to avoid duplication. Ways in which chamber members could participate were discussed, but nothing was finalized.

Members also heard that Filmon will make a visit to the Wetlands Centre of Excellence, which received word in mid-April that Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM) has named Rivers Collegiate Institute the Outstanding Kindergarten-Grade 12 school in Canada. Presentation of this award will be made at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia on May long weekend; however, the trip there is not included in the award presentation. At this point, due to funding, it is unknown if a representative from Rivers will be on hand to accept the award. Rivers was one of 54 nominations received by EECOM; their application was submitted by Ducks Unlimited Canada.

Filmon’s final known itinerary stop is at North American Lumber to recognize this franchise office as the first for that company; yes, North American had its start in Rivers in 1906. Manager Ken Tait is hoping the company president will be able to attend that Friday but he could not confirm those plans quite yet.

It was in January that members first supported the idea of creating welcome packages for new residents. After contacting businesses for goodies to supply in these “bags,” with now a number of freebies found it was reported the first six packs have been made and delivered to Riverdale Municipality for them to supply to newcomers.

Rivers Ag Society president Alice Fast reported a bigger and better kids karnival, thanks to grant funding from Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries. Last year there were two bouncy castles on the grounds; this year they are planning for five, as well as more professional games, not homemade ones. The fair is once-again a NAERIC-sanctioned event meaning those who bring horses will win double the prize money; ag society members hope to encourage more equine entries because of this drawing card. There will also be a trunk sale from the backs of assorted vehicles. Riverdale District Health Auxiliary has agreed to help them with the evening supper.

Jeff Worth reported Riverdale Golf & Country Club would officially open on Monday, May 1; a free kick-off breakfast will be held May 7 (see ad for details). Several tournaments have already been booked for this season and those attending the course will notice a new sign sometime this summer. A junior golf night will run each Friday June 9-30; several kids aged 17 and under have already registered for this program. Junior golfing membership fees have been lowered this season. He encouraged chamber members to visit their Facebook page for the latest updates.

The chamber’s Facebook page, mentioned in February as being updated in March on a biweekly basis or as need arises, is growing in popularity. One post was viewed nearly 80 times and another post was linked to another organization’s blog. Interest in the chamber appears to grow, as evidenced by attendance numbers: January had 18 members; February saw 13 members and one guest; March brought 16 members and two guests; April’s attendance was an astonishing 22 members and two guests.