New beginnings helps those experiencing grief



New Beginnings Grief-Support Group

­The Neepawa Grief Support group known as “New Beginnings” held their annual meeting on April 20, with seven members of the executive present. The meeting was chaired by Rev. Gladys Anderson. 


This organization was formed 18 years ago to act as a support to those who have experienced grief or loss, by listening and sharing. We hold at least one free seminar a year, where a trained person suggests ideas to people who have experienced recent losses. Also, local people have been trained to lead small groups of people through a time of loss in their lives by meeting over a period of weeks and exchanging ideas, while still respecting everyone's right to privacy. We have also put on free suppers for men who have experienced losses and are willing to exchange ideas with other men. The group has developed a lending library of books, pamphlets and videos, which are displayed in the health section of Harris Pharmacy.

Over the years, we have received generous financial support from White's Funeral Home, the Neepawa United Way, the Neepawa Foundation as well as certain government departments.

This year, we are embarking on a new fund-raising endeavour which we call “Cemetery Sagas”. Tickets will be sold at ArtsForward, entitling the purchaser to take a guided tour through our beautiful cemetery on Friday, July 21, stopping at six different grave sites for a brief presentation by various actors and narrators, who will describe why the people buried at these sites have been very significant in the history of the town of Neepawa. Spectators will be divided into groups of not more than 40 and each presentation will last approximately 10 minutes. Tickets will be numbered at half hour intervals starting at 6:00 p.m.