TNR: Foster care for kitty cats



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Have you ever been watching television and a commercial for homeless and abandoned cats or dogs comes on? We all have and it is heartbreaking, but you can help. Some residents allow their unneutered or unspayed cat to run free and breed, unfortunately, resulting in homeless felines. 


If you are compassionate and love cats, I ask that you consider short term foster care in Neepawa and area, through TNR feline rescue. This requires very little from you, other than offering your home as shelter with food and kindness to protect and tame starving, freezing and sometimes injured cats and kittens. These defenseless strays are then socialized and treated by a vet, all costs covered by TNR. Only then, are they advertised for adoption to permanent families.

TNR rescue will provide food and litter if you require, but donating it would be very helpful. Your reward will be loving purrs and furry companionship and knowing that you have stepped up to offer your help. 

Please consider offering temporary foster care and if impossible, due to allergies, other unwelcoming pets or time restraints, contact a friend or neighbor to consider.

Contact Linda Desjardins at 967-2751 to volunteer if you can foster.