Presentation to introduce area parents to french language education
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- Published on Thursday, May 18, 2017
Kate Jackman - Atkinson
The Neepawa Banner
Neepawa-area parents interested in French education for their children will have an opportunity to learn more at an information session hosted by Ecole Jours de Plaine. Located in Laurier, about 80 km north of Neepawa, Ecole Jours de Plaine is a member of the Division Scolaire Franco-Manitobaine (DSFM) and provides education from pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Principal Leah Delaurier-Bray said that at the information session, they will talk to parents about the school and the opportunities they offer. The school offers education entirely in French and Delaurier-Bray explains that in addition to learning the French language, students also learn about French culture, with cultural activities such as dance, music and camps.
This is the second information session the school has held in the area, the first was in Dauphin at the end of January. Delaurier-Bray said they are hoping to reach out to both those within the Francophone community and those interested in a French education for their children. She explains that young children find it easy to learn a new language and additional language skills can open doors to travel and work opportunities. “It’s such a gift,” she said.
While the school is small, the seven small schools in the DSFM, spread across Manitoba, make use of technology to ensure a quality education for students. For example, the physics teacher is based at Ecole Jours de Plaine, while the chemistry teacher is based in St. Claude. Technology connects students and teachers across the division.
With 57 students in the school, they have many opportunities to build leadership skills and are given greater responsibilities within the school. Delaurier-Bray said that the small school also leads to a family-like atmosphere, something they work to maintain. For example, some of the older students babysit younger kids at school functions, including the Neepawa information session.
In addition to representatives from the school, there will also representatives from the school division to answer questions about issues such as transportation.
The event will take place May 25 at 6:00 pm at ArtsForward, 293 Mountain Ave. Neepawa.