Turtle river school division celebrating 50 years
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- Published on Thursday, June 1, 2017
Turtle River School Division
This year is a historic year for Turtle River School Division, as they proudly celebrate their 50th Anniversary. Turtle River School Division was first formed back in 1967, when it became the 32nd division in Manitoba. It has been Turtle River School Division’s privilege to serve the region and area in educating the residents and community. Schools and divisions alike are local hubs and they support a community in many ways. They are proud to be a part of the various communities and feel honoured to have been a part of their lives.
Today, Turtle River School Division is comprised of seven schools. Six of those schools are grades K to 12; with two of them being Hutterite Colony Schools. The seventh school is a grade K to 8 French Immersion School. The division’s enrollment is small, but this has always been an advantage, as it seems to allow for rapid changes in education to meet the needs of the students and communities that it serves. The division embraces innovative strategies for meeting the challenges faced by students. It is this commitment that allows staff to understand the unique needs of all students and their families.
Turtle River School Division Superintendent, Bev Szymesko, is excited that the division has reached this amazing milestone. She went on to say that Turtle River School Division has many accomplishments and being able to celebrate our 50th anniversary is special. The division staff members work very hard in order to provide students and their families with the best education possible. They put in countless hours coaching sports and running extracurricular activities that help to promote and support student achievement and engagement. Our programs can compete with all others across the province. Our division has always had amazing involvement by local community representatives, who have provided guidance in the division’s growth throughout the years. Our board of trustees are amazing individuals who work tirelessly in order to help support the division’s vision. The people in our communities also assist in making our educational program a strong one. The families in our communities are very supportive and involved in their children’s education. We are so fortunate to have great team support in educating the students in our schools.
In celebrating their 50th Anniversary, Turtle River School Division is acknowledging their staff members’ dedication and hard work in educating and supporting the students in our region. It is the people that make the real difference. It is the bus driver, the educational assistant, the secretary, the principal, the custodian, the teacher and the parent(s) that make the difference in learning. In commemoration of this special occasion, the division has had a special logo designed as seen in the picture. In addition, the division has been planning a special activity for the students in the division. “It is all about the kids!”