Looking back - 1987: Japanese ambassador visits neepawa



Cecil Pittman
The Neepawa Press


80 years ago
Tuesday June 8, 1937
If the skating rink dance floor remains popular throughout the season to the same extent as last Thursday night, there will be many merry hours in the offing. The crowd on the opening night was estimated at between 250 and 300 people.

70 years ago
Thursday June 5, 1947
Neepawa Air Cadet wins trip to England; the Air Cadet League of Canada has just announced the selection of Kenneth Wilkie, of the number 9 Squadron R.C.A.C as one of the 46 Air Cadets from all of Canada, who will participate in an exchange visit with the same number of Air Cadets from Great Britain. One other Manitoba Air Cadet, G. H. Holman, of Winnipeg was also selected.

60 years ago
Thursday June 6, 1957
John Kosmolak, of Minnedosa, has come to Neepawa and is associated with Angus A. McDougall as partner and manager of the automobile business here. Mr. Kosmolak was born in Winnipeg and moved to Minnedosa in 1942. He was manager of the Minnedosa creamery for 10 years. In 1951, he entered the automobile business with Thoms Motors as assistant manager.

50 years ago
Friday June 2, 1967 
The writing of an essay on “How can the United Nations be made more effective”, has earned a trip to Montreal for Neepawa high school student Judy Conquergood, 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Conquergood. Ms. Conquergood was one of two Neepawa Area Colligate Institute students (Michelle Hanson was the other student), who were included in a group of 99 students from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Ontario, North Dakota and Minnesota who attended at United Nations seminar in Brandon. The seminar was for honor roll students in Grade 11. All at the seminar were eligible to write a 2,000-word essay, with one boy and one girl to be chosen to go to Montreal to attend a Untied Nations inter-Provincial seminar and to visit Expo ’69.

40 years ago
Thursday June 2, 1977
Mayor Hurrell and the town council will be sending letters to hotel and motel owners in the Town of Neepawa complaining about their rigid morning vacating policy.
Mayor Hurrell said at Tuesday night’s regular town council meeting the Association of Urban Municipalities mid-season conference, held in Neepawa last Thursday evening and Friday, was marred by complaints from delegates’ wives about hotels and motels’ rigid policy requiring guests to vacate accommodations on Friday morning.
He said that some had to pack up as early as 10:30 a.m., so the wives had no place to rest and change before the afternoon’s planned tour on Friday.

30 years ago
Thursday June 4, 1987
The Japanese ambassador to Canada, Yoshio Okawa, said that he came to visit the Margaret Laurence House last Saturday “as a simple tourist.” Okawa said Laurence was the first prairie writer he had ever read and was so impressed with her work he wanted to see the town which exerted such a strong imprint on her writing.

20 years ago
Monday June 2, 1997
Collegiate reunion expected to draw over 2,000 to town. Organizers of the 1928-1998 Neepawa Collegiate reunions are expecting at least 2,000 former students, teachers and support staff to take part in next year’s reunion. The reunion, which will take place July 3-5 at the Yellowhead Centre, was the brainchild of NACI teacher Dave Bennet and his wife Myra – both graduates of the class of 1961. “We’d been talking about this for quite awhile, and we started talking really seriously this year,” said Bennet. “But we didn’t hold any meetings until February or March.” Since that time, Bennet and a 13-member committee, started organizing class lists, booked the Yellowhead and hired a caterer and music man.

10 years ago
Monday June 4, 2007
A woman who called 911 for an ambulance last week was tossed into the drunk tank instead. Police said that the intoxicated woman called 911 for an ambulance because she had a sore toe. Instead of sending an ambulance, a squad car was dispatched to her Neepawa residence and the woman was housed in the jail cells until she was sober. Police didn’t say if mischief charges would be laid against the woman, whose name was never released.