Update from the Resident Family Council


The Neepawa Press

The country Meadows Council has evolved over the years to become a forum where residents and families can discuss issues and raise concerns regarding policies and/or procedures that are affecting the daily lives of residents using a democratic process.

It is also an opportunity to express appreciations for the care/services they receive at Country Meadows. At present there is a president, secretary and a treasurer who are responsible for carrying out the tasks of the council.
Resident Family Council hosts two fundraisers a year at Country Meadows; a Christmas Shopping Spree and a Spring Fling. The Council purchase items for the residents that are not covered by Manitoba Health. These are some examples of what has been purchased through their fundraising efforts: bed alarms, fall mats and activity program supplies.
Resident Family Council meets seven times per year. We are always looking for members. If you are interested, please contact Joyce Wiebe, president.