Neepawa, Minnedosa and Districts 4H Fat Stock Show & Sale Results
- Details
- Published on Sunday, July 23, 2017
Held on July 5 at the Beautiful Plains Ag Society complex
The Neepawa Banner
Grooming Competition
•Senior Grooming, Beautiful Plains Agricultural Society – Farming for Tomorrow: 1. Dylan Oshanyk, Neepawa, 2. Thijs van de Langemheen, Rapid City; Intermediate Grooming: Group A; 1. Rylee Paterson,Erickson, 2. Broddi Bjarnarson, Neepawa, Group B; 1. Wyatt Inglis, Rapid City, 2. Madison Teichroeb, Neepawa; Overall Intermediate Grooming – Brydges& Taylor Veterinary, Rylee Paterson, Erickson; Junior Grooming: Group A, 1. Carson Baker, Neepawa, 2. Blake Rosling, Neepawa; Group B, 1. Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa, 2. Amy Pugh, Erickson; Overall Junior Grooming – Lois Thompson-Hudon Memorial FCC Award: Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa; Cloverbud Grooming, CIBC (Neepawa), 1. Easton Paterson, Erickson, 2. Sveinna Bjarnarson, Neepawa
Showmanship Competition
•Senior Showmanship, RBC (Neepawa): 1. Dylan Oshanyk, Neepawa, 2. Thijs van de Langemheen, Rapid City; Intermediate Showmanship: Group A, 1. Hanna Popp, Erickson, 2. Brooklyn Hedley, Rapid City; Group B, 1. Wyatt Inglis, Rapid City, 2. Max Baker, Neepawa; Overall Intermediate Showmanship – Mar-Dee Enterprises (Neepawa): Wyatt Inglis, Rapid City; Junior Showmanship:
Group A, 1. Travis Woychyshyn, Erickson, 2. Carson Baker, Neepawa; Group B, 1. Amy Pugh, Erickson, 2. Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa; Overall Junior Showmanship – Archie McNair Memorial: Amy Pugh, Erickson; Cloverbud Showmanship – Penno’s Machining & Manufacturing Ltd: 1. Sveinna Bjarnarson, Neepawa, 2. Easton Paterson, Erickson; Showmanship Final - Beautiful Plains Agricultural Society: Wyatt Inglis, Rapid City
Group of three Competition
•Steers, donated by Greg Nesbitt – MLA Riding Mountain Constituency: 1st Erickson, 2nd Neepawa
•Heifers, donated by Eileen Clarke – MLA Agassiz Constituency: 1st - Neepawa, 2nd - Erickson
Team Grooming Competition
•Greenbush Angus: 1st Dylan Oshanyk, Anja van de Langemheen, Carson Baker, Reid Klym, Gracie Pauley; 2nd Wyatt Inglis, Dean Rosling, Travis Woychyshyn, Claire Beaumont, Lauren Shears
Beginning Beef Project
•Champion Beginning Beef Calf: D & G Enterprises (Franklin): Zane Finlay, Rapid City
•Reserve Champion Beginning Beef Calf: Reid Klym, Erickson
Yearling Heifer Classes
•Champion Simmental Yearling Heifer - Neepawa Vet Clinic: Eric Shultz, Neepawa
•Reserve Champion Simmental Yearling Heifer: Travis Woychyshyn, Erickson
•Champion Angus Yearling Heifer - Brookmore Angus of Brookdale: Carson Baker, Neepawa
•Reserve Champion Angus Yearling Heifer: Cora Baker, Neepawa
•Champion Crossbred or Other Breed Yearling Heifer – Little Valley Livestock (Inglis Family): Dylan Oshanyk, Neepawa
•Reserve Champion Crossbred or Other Breed Yearling Heifer: Justin McKee, Rapid City
•Champion 4H Progeny Yearling Heifer – McManus Simmentals: Broddi Bjarnarson, Neepawa
•Reserve Champion 4H Progeny Yearling Heifer: Rylee Paterson, Erickson
•Best Homegrown Yearling Heifer – Chicken Corral Restaurant: Broddi Bjarnarson, Neepawa
•Grand Champion Yearling Heifer - Clare Larson Memorial: Eric Shultz, Neepawa
•Reserve Grand Champion Yearling Heifer – Gladstone Vet Clinic: Carson Baker, Neepawa
•Two Year Old Heifers With Calf At Foot - Frankie Parayeski Memorial: 1. Lauren Rosling, Neepawa, 2. Amy Pugh, Erickson
•Supreme Female - JAS Red Angus: Eric Shultz, Neepawa
•Reserve Supreme Female - JMB Charolias: Carson Baker, Neepawa
Market Steer Weight Classes
•1,088 – 1,168 lbs: 1. Brooklyn Hedley, Rapid City, 2. Linkin McManus, Erickson
•1,206 – 1,240 lbs: 1. Broddi Bjarnarson, Neepawa, 2. Cora Baker, Neepawa
•1,270 – 1,315 lbs: 1. Hanna Popp, Erickson, 2. Shayla Woychyshyn, Erickson
•1,323 – 1,345 lbs: 1. Amy Pugh, Erickson, 2. Wyatt Inglis, Rapid City
•1,373 – 1,405 lbs: 1. Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa, 2. Eden Pearson, Erickson
•1,520 – 1,570 lbs: 1. Lauren Rosling, Neepawa, 2. Dean Rosling, Neepawa
•4H Progeny Steers: 1,096 - 1,495 lbs: 1. Dylan Oshanyk, Neepawa, 2. Eden Pearson, Erickson
Keystone Simmental Association Award
•Highest gaining steer with Simmental Influence: Eden Pearson, Erickson, 3.36 lbs/day
•Best Home Grown Steer - Dallas & Lynn Johnston: Hanna Popp, Erickson
•Grand Champion Market Steer – Neepawa Gladstone Co–op: Madisyn Robertson, Neepawa
•Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer - Heartland Livestock Brandon: Amy Pugh, Erickson
•Stall Competition – BMO (Neepawa), Judge – Bob Durston; 1st - Neepawa, 2nd - Erickson
•2017 Neepawa& District 4H Fat Stock Scholarship Winner: Emily Pearson, Erickson
•Pay What You Pull Ticket Winners: 1st - Liam Winters, Gladstone, 2nd - Tanya Anderson, Gladstone