Out of Helen's kitchen - Franklin
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- Published on Saturday, August 12, 2017
Helen Drysdale
The Neepawa Banner
As the community of Franklin settled, they recognized the need for a church, so in 1892, a Presbyterian church was built, largely by volunteer help. The Methodist built a large brick church and they too used much volunteer labor. According to “Rosedale Remembers” history book, entertainment in the early days centered around church functions. They had pie socials, shanty suppers, picnics, musical performances, plays and pageants.
By 1908, Franklin was a booming community with a harness shop, two elevators, hardware, jeweller, butcher shop, Dr. Coad’s office and drug store, carriage shop, post office, a CPR station and several other stores and businesses. Then, along came paved highways, new and faster cars and many smaller community’s businesses simply disappeared. As well, farms became larger, schools amalgamated, elevator and railway lines disappeared and the young people moved to the cities for employment. Franklin is not alone in the disappearance of school, church and businesses, however, they have not lost their small-town hospitality and sense of community. On June 10, 1925 in Toronto, the Methodist Church, Canada, the Congregational Union of Canada, and 70 per cent of the Presbyterian Church of Canada entered into a union and The United Church was inaugurated. In 1931, a Women’s Auxiliary group was established. In 1950, they published a cookbook, one of its copies is at the museum. I will be sharing several of their recipes that I hope you will enjoy.
Seven layer dinner - Mrs. Jack Kitson
Into a large casserole place:
1 large raw potato
1 large onion, sliced
1 inch sliced raw carrots
1/4 cup raw rice
Add 1 can of peas with the juice
A layer of pork sausages, about 1 1/2 lbs.
Dilute a can of tomato soup with 1 cup of water and pour over all. Bake in a moderate oven for two hours. Keep covered for the first hour.
Apple salad – Mrs. A Orr
4 apples, diced and sprinkled with a little vinegar
3 red maraschino cherries
3 green maraschino cherries
1/2 cup whipping cream
Salad dressing
Chop the cherries and mix with the apple. Whip the cream and add salad dressing to taste. Blend together.
Windblown cake – Mrs. Frances White
3/4 cup cold water
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
2 tsp. Baking powder
Drop the 2 egg yolks in water and beat. Beat in sugar half at a time. Add vanilla. Sift flour with the baking powder and add to the above. Then beat egg whites and fold in the batter. To vary the cake, drop a few drops of red food colour and run knife through. Use peppermint flavoring when colour is used. Bake in 325 oven slowly.