Hidden attraction



Kira McCormick - Adema
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Located at the south end of Park Lake, is one of the many hidden attractions in Neepawa. There is an assortment of animals which include: emus, goats, rabbits, peacocks and many more that all live in the Rotary Park Bird Sanctuary.

The sanctuary is volunteer run and has experienced a year of changes as its main volunteers, Jake Birch and George Burnett, stepped down from their active involvement in the care of the animals and maintenance of the facility. Jake and George are no longer actively involved, but they will still take phone calls when there are questions about the bird sanctuary.

Brenda Ferguson, President of the Bird Sanctuary board, said, Rotary Park Bird Sanctuary runs off of donations and volunteers, they accept financial donations on the box at the bird sanctuary or food donations for the animals. When it comes to food donations, Ferguson said, “If you wont eat it, chances are the birds won’t either”  Apples and oranges should be cut up before given to the animals, they don’t eat crab apples or corn husks/cobs.  In November they adopted a goat from Shannon and Jason Doerksen, called Clover. The goat fits right in with the other animals says Ferguson. They have rabbits available for adoption available as well.

Ferguson, said that they still need volunteers. The volunteers go in rotations on a month-to-month rotation and on certain days that month the volunteer would have to do the jobs that are needed at the Sanctuary, Contact Brenda Ferguson at (204)-841-0865 or Richard at (204)-212-0489 if you would like to help and volunteer.